E2W Connecting Women in Financial Services Men For Inclusion
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Stephen Koch


Stephen Koch

Advisory Board Member

Stephen Koch has 27 years’ experience in Investment Banking IT at a number of major financial services firms. He has spent most of his career building risk management systems and managing global technology development teams.  Up until recently, he was a Managing Director at the same large US Financial Services firm.

He is now Director of Demographics at NHS-Digital.

In 2016, Gary and Stephen co-founded the firm’s male allies programme for Women in Technology.  Together they grew this network from a small group of people to a firm-wide network of allies across the whole organisation.  This included developing an inclusion workshop that has been run over 200 times across 6 countries and trained more than 2000 allies.  The programme has now been adopted across all business areas and the Investment Banking division recently started rolling out an updated version of the workshop.   

Both Stephen and Gary were shortlisted for the 2019 Everywoman male agent of change award.

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