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Inclusionist Interactions: Making the invisible, visible
27 Jul 2021
6pm - 6:45pm

Inclusionist Interactions: Making the invisible, visible

From your PC, laptop or phone - Via ZOOM

Come and join other Men for Inclusion 'Inclusionists' for our bi-weekly virtual chat and discusion. We are welcoming members and non-members to join.

For this week’s Inclusionist Interactions we are talking about making the invisible, visible. 

Gender equality in the workplace isn’t a done deal. We are not just talking about representation in senior positions proportional to representation lower down the hierarchy, but the greater challenges faced by women in getting equitable access to opportunities to progress their careers. However, many men don’t realise that the women working alongside them have experiences and challenges that are different from their own. What follows is that these men don’t realise that the outcomes of some of their interactions with women are sexist. This is why our book, written by three of the founders of Men for Inclusion - Gary Ford, Stephen Koch and Jill Armstrong - is called The Accidental Sexist.

Our aim in writing the book is not to blame men but instead help supporters of gender equality fill some of the gaps in some men’s knowledge. For a majority of men to take a more active role in ensuring their workplaces are fair and inclusive it helps to start with the data (quantitative and qualitative) that makes this invisible, visible.

Chapter One of The Accidental Sexist presents key data points on representation and barriers to career progress faced by women and those in other gender minorities. Do join us on Tuesday July 27th at 6.00pm – 6.45pm where will share and discuss making the invisible, visible.

This will be the first of several sessions in which we share what inspired the book, what we have learned about engaging men in diversity and inclusion and practical tips on what to do to accelerate progress towards making gender equality a done deal.



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