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Reflecting on the Journey of Gender Equality

Reflecting on the Journey of Gender Equality

Mark.Freed / 23 Jan 2024


As we ponder the strides we've made in the realm of gender equality, it's remarkable to see how far we've come, especially for women. The transformations since my parents' marriage in 1957 highlight the seismic shift in societal norms.

For my mother, that day marked a significant change:

Her career took a hit, as an antiquated employment clause terminated her job on marriage.

She assumed the roles of homemaker, cook, and cleaner, with expectations of imminent motherhood.

Society deemed her a caregiver, obedient, grateful, subservient, emotional, and loyal—traits often associated with my father.

For my father, it altered his trajectory too:

His career ascended to paramount importance.

He became the head of the household, the protector, and provider, embodying the fatherly role of the time.

Societal expectations cast him as strong, successful, knowledgeable, unemotional, a leader, and resilient—traits traditionally linked with my mother.

Fast forward to today, and young women have severed the apron strings of outdated stereotypes, embracing freedom of choice and opportunity. 

But where do young men and men, in general, stand in this narrative? Liberation from antiquated male stereotypes is the next frontier. As they break free, a world of boundless opportunities and freedom awaits, and the barriers that many women still face in today's workplaces will dissipate.

Let's champion a future where both genders are liberated from the shackles of stereotypes, fostering a truly equal and inclusive world. Together, we can build a future where opportunities know no gender. 


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