Research into Lived Experience
Mark.Freed / 13 Oct 2022
Updating the ground breaking Cambridge University research that our co-founder led into men and women collaborating with each other in the workplace we at E2W and Men for Inclusion in partnership with Women on the Wharf and The Diversity Project are undertaking a refresh and update of Jill’s core data. The new research seeks to explore and compare the lived experiences of people of different genders, ethnicities and other diversity characteristics in the workplace today. Can we ask for your support in three ways:
- Your insight and experiences are valuable insight and we invite you to complete this anonymous 20 minute questionnaire, and
- We are aiming for at least 1,000 respondents and your help in getting colleagues, friends and members of your network to participate is crucial. Please share this with them, and,
- Please also share, like, comment on our LinkedIn posts or post yourself.
Jill’s research highlighted in 2019 that:
- 44% of women reported being judged more negatively for behaving in the same way as men, 55% of women noticed this happening to other women. Only 17% of men noticed this happening to women
- 64% of women reported that traits thought to be female strengths impact judgement about their career progress. Only 28% of men agreed
- 42% of senior women thought that the men in their workplace had more access to career sponsorship of senior leaders. Only 6% of senior men thought that this was the case
- 71% of senior women think that informal social networks in their workplaces are male-dominated. Only 43% of senior men thought that this was the case
Have we moved forward or backwards in the last three years. Who is more likely to be interrupted or not have a voice in meetings? Who is more likely to be given office housework and less likely to be given high profile opportunities? Is Accidental Sexism still prevalent in our workplaces?
The survey results will be used to continue Men for Inclusions work of helping organisations to unlock the competitive advantage of an inclusive workplace, Inform and develop better Inclusion Allies and through E2W and Women on the Wharf encourage and champion women to succeed.
Thank you for your support.
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