10 Jul 2024

Mark Freed at City & Financial Global WoMen in Finance Summit, London

I had the privilege of giving a keynote speech for Men for Inclusion at the City & Financial Global WoMen in Finance Summit in London on . A snippet from my speech: “Diversity is good for business: it drives profitability, innovation, and better risk management. But true transformation requires inclusion.”

In my keynote I also emphasised the critical role of inclusion in driving positive change amidst slow progress towards diversity targets and increasing backlash.

I highlighted the persistent slow progress in gender diversity, pointing out the stagnant representation of women in top-earning roles and questioning the effectiveness of current diversity strategies. I also addressed the rising backlash against gender equality initiatives, citing research showing significant resistance among men and women.

I called for a shift in focus from diversity to inclusion, emphasising that inclusive workplace cultures benefit everyone. I argueed that fostering inclusion creates an environment where diverse talents can thrive and progress without barriers.

I concluded with a call to action, encouraging individuals to exercise their inclusion muscles daily and urging firms to prioritise inclusivity as a foundation for successful diversity initiatives.

I also sat on a panel alongside Roshni Haywood and Diana Noble, where we shared valuable insights on supporting men in DEI initiatives and handling the backlash. Thank you, Helena Morrissey, for moderating.

All in all it was a great event catching up with faces old and new, discussing how to drive inclusion forward, we’ll be sure to share video clips of the sessions soon!


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